Smart Solutions for Water Conservation
Are you fed up with water outages?
Step 1 - Get a Water Tank
No space?
No problem!
400l Patio Pot Water Tank

Measuring only 1350mm high x 500mm wide and 900mm long this is the ultimate space saving water backup solution with added aesthetic appeal especially where space is limited.
Able to ‘hug’ up against a wall
Only virgin polymer is used
The tank comes with –
Anti mossie and bug screen (removable for cleaning) is optional
A drain plug where a booster pump can be installed (22mm)
None strip tap (22mm)

1,600l Slimline Water Tank

Measuring only 900mm high x 2670mm wide and 900mm long this a great space saving water backup solution especially for placement under windows or out of sight behind low walls
Able to ‘hug’ up against a wall
Only virgin polymer is used
The tank comes with –
Anti mossie and bug screen (removable for cleaning) is optional
A drain plug where a booster pump can be installed (22mm)
None strip tap (22mm)

3,000l Slimline Water Tank

Only 210cm long, 200cm high and 70cm wide, ideal solution where space is constrained for maintaining a larger volume.
Able to ‘hug’ up against a wall
Only virgin polymer is used
The tank comes with –
Anti mossie and bug screen (removable for cleaning) is optional
A drain plug where a booster pump can be installed (22mm)
None strip tap (22mm)

Step 2 - Get a Pump and Filtration System
Ecogator Rainwater Filtration & Backfeed System

Housed in a neat enclosure is a state of the art quiet, variable speed Grundfos SCALA2 pump combined with two stage filtration & UV light. Pump & filter water from tanks to use in and outside your home or office
Use rainwater for household purposes
Unit provided pre-assembled for quick, hassle free installation
A single inlet and two outlets - one to inside house and other to garden
Filtration combines 5 & 10 micron with UV light
Rainwater safe for general use after filtration (consumption not recommended)
Available in ten elegant colours!

Current promotion

Step 3 - Re-use Greywater
Ecogator Greywater System

Even without rain, you have daily household water to re-use in your garden
Complete unit includes tank, pump, brush & sump filter
120l Capacity, pump automatically switches on to drain water from shower, bath & washing machine (not dishwasher)
Smaller capacity - regular pumping of water to avoid bacteria growth and odours
Available in various colours to match paving

Step 4 - Re-use Pool Backwash Water
Ecogator Pool Backwash System

Available in 300l and 500l capacity as an add-on to existing pool filtration
Simply connect your pool backwash to the tank, set the in-line slow release chlorinator and run a backwash cycle
Allow debris and sediment to settle for 24 hours and then free flow or pump water back into your swimming pool

Kolkol Wood Fired hot Tubs
The Original

No electricity required ~ No installation ~ 18 to 38 Degrees in under 2 hours
- Complete wood-fired hot tub
- Area: 2.32m x 1.9m
- Height: 720mm
- 950 litres of water
- Takes 1 hour 45 minutes to heat
- Uses 1.5 bags of wood
- Fits 4 adults comfortably
- Weighs 75kg (Tub only)
- Stove, heatshield and chimney 45kg
- Fully portable
- No installations required
- 25mm outlet for draining
- Easy to clean
- Covers available, please enquire for more information
The Egg

No electricity required ~ No installation ~ 18 to 38 Degrees in under 2 hours
- Complete wood-fired hot tub available in 10 elegant colours
- Area: 2.45m x 1.9m
- Height: 750mm
- 1,200 litres of water
- Takes 1 hour 45 minutes to heat
- Uses 2 bags of wood
- Fits 5 - 6 adults comfortably
- Weighs 90kg (Tub only)
- Stove, heatshield and chimney 45kg
- Fully portable
- No installations required
- 30mm outlet for draining
- Easy to clean
- Covers available, please enquire for more information
The Stove

No electricity required ~ Easy installation
- Wood fired stove only
- For existing and self built splash pools
- Not recommended for heating more than 3,000l water
- Requires 800mm wall space to mount
- Marine grade stainless steel
- Easy to clean
Water Conservation
Whether you are looking for water backup, harvesting or off grid consumption, kindly contact sales@infinitytanks.co.za to find out more about our product ranges including:
Water Tanks to fit small spaces or when aesthetics are a concern
Water pump and filtration system built into a neat housing, available in various colours to suit landscaping
Greywater system
Off-grid Kolkol wood fired hot tubs
Distribution nationally and internationally!